
Click on the heading text to see the complete text of each posting.

New thinking about painting

New thinking about painting   Although I am now halfway through this painting year I have decided to make a complete change of approach to my work and have been tentatively working in a more abstract way to generate paintings that don’t explicitly describe a...

Progress in March

I am happy to say that all the features designed to update the website are now fully functioning. I hope if you have got this far in viewing the site, you will have enjoyed the changes made. All the work of uploading the changes on the site left very little time to...

Filling the GAP!!

As you will see reading this blog, it hasn't been very active for a long time. Now with this upgrade of the entire website, I think that it deserves an upgrade too! So here is a short review of events so far this year.   A brief catch up for 2020. That was the...

The months in between!

Yes, a good few months have been and gone since my last post, and so much has happened. Apart from several submissions to local art shows in Hertford, Ayot St Lawrence and St Albans there wasn't a lot of time to prepare work for any of the London Open Submissions this...

Autumn shows

Many galleries find Autumn a good time to sell work, hence many of the major London shows use this key period to exhibit in the Mall Galleries. As I mentioned in the last blog post I had to 'escape' from the Suffolk trip to take my marine paintings to the Mall for...