
Click on the heading text to see the complete text of each posting.

‘Escape to the country’

What a start to the summer! My wife and I went to 2 lovely Greek Islands during the last 2 weeks of June only to find that the temperature back in England was much the same as Greece, so the only difference was the relaxed lifestyle and beatiful beaches. Painting has...

Childwickbury Arts Fair –  2018

Childwickbury Arts Fair – 2018

I will be showing and demonstrating again at the Childwickbury Arts Fair at the fantastic Childwickbury Estate on the Harpenden Road, near St Albans AL3 6JU Friday 6th - Sunday 8th July 2018 Please come and visit, have a chat and see some amazing art, view...

2018 – Starting the New Year

After much deliberation over the Christmas period about submitting works for the Royal Watercolour Society open exhibition and the Royal Institute of Watercolour open show, both to be submitted in January, I decided to go for it! I had some of my plein air sketches...

Keep going in December!

Drifting to the close of year, the snow has finally fallen and keeping warm enough to continue artwork is an envidious choice. Although the light in my studio is excellent due to the extensive glazing, there feels a chill even when heated, and the cool light is not...

New inspiration from the Lake District

This October I joined 11 other artists at the rather luxurious lakeside hotel call the Ladore Falls hotel just 8 miles from Keswick on Derwentwater. I arrived with a friend from London at the hotel a day before hurricane Brian decided to make its presence felt...

Open Studios & Exhibitions

I signed up for Open Studios in Hertfordshire back in April for 3 weekends in September this year, and that seemed a long time in the future then. I need not worry about producing new work to order as there would be plenty of time in the summer months for work to...

Busy months ahead!

Busy months ahead!

Half way through August and starting to realise a few deadlines are approaching fast for the Open Exhibtions that are of interest to me. They all start to happen during the last few months of the year and the submission dates pile up and it becomes a bit of a...