My adventure with the New Artist Fair at the beginning of March did not bring in the results hoped for, so I am having a go at 2 exhibitions that I have entered before and respect the standard of work submitted. The Hertford Open is one that I always feel I have a chance of getting into – that is not to say that I should take it for granted because they only accept 50% of what is submitted and they attract entries from all over the country. My three entries were handed in during the first week of the month and assessed on the day – and much to my great surprised all three got in!!!  There was a great display of work in the show, but again unfortunately, no sales.

There has been a rather drastic change of mind this month with my work, rather than concentrating on producing finished paintings, I have reverted back to seeing how my images can start to become more abstracted. Much of this thinking has come from the exploratory work done with Mark on the Newlyn course last month. I wanted to develop many images quickly using a fluid medium that can be used impulsively, and so with this in mind I settled on a range of liquid acrylic inks that I had not yet used. Gathering up as much watercolour paper as I had, I used new drawn sketches taken from a local outing into the Hertfordshire countryside, and some previous photo images as the starting point for these ‘paint sketches’.

I am so pleased with the results that I have decided to use the best of them for my submission for the Cork Street Open this year. As they are small ( 20 x 30cm and 30 x 40cm ) I have taken the bold step of submitting 6 pictures and see what happens!!!  Both my mentors love the work, so there is hope if the selectors show the same interest. All will be revealed in the next instalment (June) so, keep fingers crossed for me please – it is the last Cork Street Exhibition in this format, so it would be great if I get one, or even two in this concluding show.

Again see what you think of this change of emphasis and let me know through the blog response tab what YOU all think. No prizes for the nicest comment though! 


res-With air above res-Wayside res-The path through res-Meander res-Coast image res-Canopy